Sunday, October 14, 2007

Childhood Memories That Evolved Into "The Journey"

When I think of my maternal grandparents, Lona and Charlie Stegall, memories come flooding back of childhood visits to the farm that they homesteaded in Union County, AR. They became the parents of nine children, and lost a daughter at the age of 18 months. The other children grew up on the farm and moved away, except for Aunt Trudy who married and settled across the hollow. I looked out the car window and strained to see the roof of her house as we bounced along the corduroy road, headed for Mammaw's. My grandmother heard us coming and stood out front, her brown hair in a bun and laughing green eyes in a tanned face that was weathered from outside chores. She hugged me, and I felt the strength in her arms. I dug around in her apron pockets, and to a nine year old, anything I came out with was a treasure. To be continued!

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